Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Graphic Design pro, Anissa Smith, came to my school to speak to us. Amongst lots of great advice on recession-proof aggressive self-marketing and networking, she also had this to say. In the mean time, when you don't have a large amount of jobs coming your way, create projects for yourself. I know, I know, that's not exactly a new idea, but she made a great point. With as much great and inspiring design there is out there (in the wild yonder), there is even MORE crappy "design." Her advice was to look around you, see the garbage, and redesign or fix it. This is a cross-platform idea. No matter what field of design or creation you are in, there are a lot of things that make your eyes hurt. Just thought I pass it along. Back to work


P.S. Oh, she also mentioned that the government is considering a large bailout for the newspaper industry. Am I the only one this strikes as a bad idea?

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