Saturday, March 7, 2009

Breaking bad habits (sorry for the time between posts)

Things have been super busy lately, so I send my apologies to anyone who (if anyone?) reads this blog on a regular basis.  Here are some things that have been on my mind:

I had to draw this flower fairly quickly and noticed some of my bad habits returning.   One of which is erasing my guidelines.


I drew this girl (above) a few years back and did the same thing.  A year or so later, I started to notice my drawings moving to new heights of wonkiness (I dare not post here.)  When I wanted to go back to older drawings to see what went wrong, it hit me.  I had erased all my actual work!

Flash forward sometime later and I came across these Preston Blair drawing lessons on John K's blog!  I know what some of you (imaginary) are thinking, "aren't these lessons stylistically different from what you're doing, Grace?"  Well, yes and no.  They are only superficially dissimilar.   Everything I learned in Life Drawing class is here in these lessons, construction, proportion, perspective, and drawing hierarchy.  Click on the link below to go to his page.


Above, is my attempt at the first lesson.  I have done more lessons since, but I'm ashamed to say I haven't finished them all yet.  I also need to scan the ones I have tried, I know, bad.

some day


  1. haha, ur definatley not a fail. i wish i could draw/ design, i try but most of the time my artwork looks the same as it did in 5th grade...

  2. Thanks! You should follow the link and try the lessons out yourself. They are big enough to print and it'll be fun. :D
